Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay about The Effect of Television on Humans - 1334 Words

The Effect of Television on Humans 98% of all homes in the U.K. have at least one television in themThroughout our planet we are surrounded by media, through magazines, newspaper, internet, radio and, the most influential, television we are educated the news of the world. Just over 96 years ago the first working mechanical TV system was built, by a man name Boris Rosing, and it’s now, in the 21st century the considered the most popular form of entertainment. It is adored by all ages and has become an essential part of the lives of millions of viewers. Television, as many researchers and scientists have said, influences the thoughts of its audience in good and, unfortunately bad ways, with TV†¦show more content†¦The 90’s series ‘The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ are a prime example of children imitating the things they see on television. This program had an incredible following of millions of young children who dreamt and imagined that they themselves were power rangers. As a res ult of this, dinnertimes were filled with dozens of children play fighting, and therefore inevitable increasing their desire for actual combat. The ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ was is another good example of children wanting to imitate there super heroes, they wanted to be ninjas and such programs ignited their interest in weapons, such as kendo sticks and ninja death stars. The News channels are very popular and it seems they do not alternate much from the theme of violence. To make the news the story has to be bad, shocking, exciting to the audience and the stories on the news are quite often very familiar, mostly another shooting, murder, rape or some act of terrorism. These crimes are so repetitive on the news to the point were we are no longer shocked that ‘a(nother) body of a missing school has been discovered,’ this type of news has almost become dull. An extreme example of the effects TV has on children is that of a 15 year old boy who was sentenced to life in prison and convicted of murder in the stabbing death of a young girl. The boy was ‘playing’ rough with the young girlShow MoreRelated Televisions Effects on the Natural Environment Essay1165 Words   |  5 PagesTelevisions Effects on the Natural Environment You may be thinking, â€Å"How on earth could the TV have an affect on our natural environment?† and you have every right to. At first glance, it may seem impossible that the TV can have an effect on our natural surroundings; but, nevertheless, it does. One of the ways that the TV can have an effect on our surroundings is by the amount of power that is needed to run all of the TV’s in the world. I realize, that compared to other appliancesRead MoreHow Technology Has Its Impacts On Family Life1585 Words   |  7 PagesInnovation is changing its shape as indicated by advanced man needs. 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